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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

cucumbers, random thoughts and open crock dills


for the first time in three years, the cumbers are good and abundant. i started the plants in the back garden from seed in May and direct sowed the crop growing up the fence the last week in May. the first picking was shared with the extended family. the second time there were plenty to do a batch of open crock dill pickles. they turned out great


20-30 dill size cucumbers,washed

3/4 cup kosher salt

1 gallon or so water (it has to cover the cucs)

1 cup apple cider vinegar

1 heaping tablespoon pickling spice

4 cloves of garlic, smashed

4-6 green seeded heads of dill plus most of one plant(thats the weed part)


bring the water to a boil, throw in the salt and dissolve it, add vinegar

alternate placing the cucumbers and dill in a crock, gallon jug or whatever you have that will work

toss in the pickling spice and the garlic and pour the hot brine over the whole deal

take a zip lock plastic gallon bag and fill it with water. seal it and place over cucumbers ao that all ingredients are submerged (much better than the plate and a rock from my younger days)

keep crock in a cool place (i have had better luck since we got central air)

after 3 or 4 days check for scum and skim it off daily, as needed. these took 8 days to become a really good dill pickle
the crock was a gift from a friend many years ago. it was hand crafted by the wettlaufers

after the 8 days or when the pickles are cured enough, put them into whatever containers you wish. i use old plastic jars that i have saved. dilute the brine by a third and cover and refrigerate.


the front old triple daylily and volunteer black eyed susans

close up of tomatoes. i think this is the heirloom 'cherokee'. i started the tomatoes from seed in April. in our growing zone,i put them in the ground June 1st. It gives the soil time to warm up and keep their little feet warm.

The pink, white and lavender cleome are all volunteers. I first saw them at the Philadelphia Flower Show about 25 years ago. i came home and ordered the seed and have not bought any since then


a closer shot of the red runner beans on top and the corner of the fence with geraniums, a black cherry tomato in a pot (in case the deer get the rest) a fading clematis and a morning glory vine, miniature white roses and million bells/

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is coming along beautifully, Jill! I just put up a post about Carr Valley's Marisa, and I put in a link to your blog. Thanks again for a great morning of cheese and champagne!

